Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yes, Santa............I Believe.............................

After all.............isn't this what it is all about? Believing that Jesus was born on Christmas day, believing that family and friends are a blessing, believing that smiling, sharing and being kind to others does make a difference, believing that this world is a good place and by being happy in it we can change others and spill out hope and goodness.........this season is such a magical time to reconnect with others and slow down and enjoy the "magical" moments of wonder.........Happy Holidays to all and to all a goodnight!


  1. very well written..... i have been ooohing and ahhhing at all of your decorations! i love them all. thanks for sharing with us, it's inspiring!

  2. I too love all your decor! LOVE the blue! Yes.. peaceful... Your house seems so cozy yet tasteful! So fun looking at pics of your stuff! Bryce's room made me giggle.. that will soo be Noah. I had that SAME frame in hand... with the ornament balls all over it and decided I couldn't pile anymore on top of my children who were riding in double stroller! Ha! Ok... so much love to you! Miss you and big Hugs!

  3. How wonderfully said... It is truly a gift to BELIEVE in family at Christmas.. Now that's a gift you can't wrap or put a price tag on..


Welcome to my world! My friends always said I "should write a book".............well this is as close as it gets. Each day is full of adventure at the Cypert house. Hopefully I can capture moments and share them with others.....................everyday is a gift from Above....so very thankful to be in "my" happy place...........join me!


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