Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall is magical............Boo to you!

I tried to get Fall/Halloween decorations out......before Griffin got up last weekend.............not to be outdone.........he got up earlier than usual and HELPED! What could have taken 2 hours took all day,,,, but that was half the fun.........after all , it's all for the little ones! He is so excited about the fall pumpkins, scarecrows, lights and leaves.....what else matters?
This says it all...........Griff.............Halloween orange and black.........and date/time!
My only new Halloween decoration added to the collection! Thanks Pam @ The Mason Jar.......darling shop..........I could live hubby says........STAY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that you post pics of your decor! So cute and fab! I need to come shopping there!!! Love that Griffin helped you! That is what it is allll about isn't it? :) I love Fall too and all the fun decor!!! Warm hugs!! :)


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